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What's your beef?

We want to know what YOU want. Go ahead and leave your comments below.

9 Responses to “What's your beef?”

  1.   Bob Sanders Says:

    Who are you guys? There’s no bio page to find out about what you do on campus or what year you guys are or anything like that. It’s information I care about.

  2.   AllyandJacky2011 Says:


    Thanks for the valid concern! We have published an “About Us” section on the page. If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!!!!
    Ally Bowers

  3.   Michael Shenfish Says:

    My question is for both of you but mainly for Jacky Yoo. While I am not very involved with anything like student government I do see what goes on. My question is why is Jacky running as the vice again if shes already it this year? Also, I want to know what she personally has done this year that would merit me wanting to vote for the same vice 2 years in a row.

  4.   AllyandJacky2011 Says:

    Michael, thank you for your question and for visiting our page!

    The question as to why I am running again for Vice President is one that I have been asked countless times since the announcement of Ally and my candidacy; the answer is simple- teamwork and passion. To avoid the fluff I know you’re not looking for, I personally don’t see the difference between the title of “President” and of “Vice President” except for just that- the title. Yes, in reference to my term this year, D’Leon and I may work on separate initiatives, but at the end of the day we’re still a team/partnership and believe in and collectively work towards the growth and betterment of our University. Although this may be true, not every average student can take on the task of Student Body President, and I believe there is no other person as qualified as Ally to take on that position, which is why I am running again, with her. Ally and myself specifically, have different leadership styles and personalities that compliment and supplement one another, allowing us to work well as a unit. I am passionate about the development and growth of Mason, and I can’t see myself making an impact any greater than in the position I am currently in. I would love the opportunity to continue my involvement as Vice President as there are still further initiatives I would like to implement in addition to D’Leon’s and my platform- which has been fully accomplished.

    This past year as Student Body Vice President, I’ve had great opportunities to create additional relationships and connections with university administrators that I haven’t already encountered in my past leadership experiences on campus. Serving as a liaison between students and administrators, these relationships are vital- with my knowledge of and connections with these administrators, I don’t need to spend extra time re-learning the process and instead, actually get things done. As far as initiatives, I have been able to create and implement initiatives that can and will continue to grow beyond the years of our graduation.

    In brief, here are a few things specifically that I have been involved in and have worked on:
    -”What Do You Want Wednesdays”- Created by Ally, Nicola (the Speaker Pro Temp) and I, beginning in the fall as a way to get direct contact and feedback from students.
    -“Get Spotted”- A spontaneous event to promote learning facts about Mason and getting involved to win prizes from the bookstore.
    -Several spirit based initiatives- I have worked closely with Greg Kennedy, the Director of Marketing, in creating larger incentives for students to attend rival basketball games and to support Patriot athletics.
    -obtaining free refills at both Ikes and the new Pilot House

    Currently, I’m involved with and am working on:
    -Obtaining a Spirit Rock on campus
    -A student involvement, leader and organization town hall
    -Additional Get Spotted events before the end of the semester
    -An event for suicide prevention and awareness
    -Organizing a day for at-risk urban youth to visit Mason
    -Organizing a collaborative, campus wide, clean-up day

    I hope that this fully answers your question.
    Thanks again!
    -Jacky Yoo

  5.   Tina Says:

    Hey, I was wondering what are your initiatives and goals for commuter students? It was one of the bigger concerns that I had hoped was addressed the past year. It still “feels” like GMU and SG are catered to resident students despite the fact that a huge majority of students live off campus. 🙁

  6.   AllyandJacky2011 Says:


    Great question, thanks for asking! We realize that non-residential, or commuter students, represent a major part of the student body. There are students who are commuters that are involved within Student Government, but definitely not enough. My advice to you is that YOU join Student Government, whether it be as a Senator or as a member of the Executive Board, to make SURE that YOUR voice is heard. (If you want to know how, feel free to e-mail me, abowers3@gmu.edu, Jacky, jyooh@gmu.edu, OR check out sg.gmu.edu)

    A main concern that we have heard from commuter students is Parking. Students are frustrated that there is not enough of it, that it is too expensive, and that it is inconvenient. In talking with the director of parking (Josh Cantor) recently about this issue, we would plan to work with Parking Services in creating a new “zoning plan” that would reduce traffic on-campus, and create more availability of spots. This would also provide more convenience in parking areas that are closest to where you need to be on a daily basis.

    In addition, the “R” in SECRET is Resources. We want to make available to YOU what addresses your immediate concerns. There is now a new office on campus: Off-Campus Student Programs and Services. They have been working on several initiatives (Off-Campus Appreciation week that was last week) as well as providing commuters new services (off-campus peer advisors). To learn more, check out:



    Overall, our main GOAL is to create a stronger sense of community on Mason’s campus. We realize how diverse our campus is- diverse referring to not only ethnicity, race, and overall heritage- but more importantly diverse in what type of students attend Mason. It is our goal to give all these types of students a REASON to have a sense of belonging to Mason. We plan on doing this by making sure YOUR VOICE is heard, whether its through our town hall series or through our monthly “What Do You Want Wednesdays”. These initiatives fall under the “S”, “C”, and “T” within our platform.

    But more importantly- is there anything YOU FEEL we are still missing? PLEASE let us know!!!! As an off-campus student- what do you want to see happen?

    Thanks again for your question!
    Ally Bowers

  7.   HAHA LOL Says:


  8.   AllyandJacky2011 Says:

    Although Jacky and I are definitely not members of Lady Gaga’s fan club, I think this song answers your question perfectly.
    Stay classy,
    Ally Bowers


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